


Friday, May 22, 2015

Career day!

Thanks to our awesome volunteers, your children were able to learn about being a Pharmasist, Office Manager, and a Dentist.  A big THANK YOU to the following volunteers......

Gina Brustle - Pharmasist

Mr. McBride - Office Manager

Mrs. Williams - Dentist

Thursday, April 23, 2015

STAAR is finished!!

What an exhausting week!!  I am so very proud of all of the students!!  They each worked so hard this week to show the state what they know.  It's all downhill from here.  :)

I am going to be doing a Mother's Day surprise gift from the students and I'm asking that the kids each bring in an 8-12oz mason jar by next Wednesday.  If you are willing to donate an extra one for kids that are not able to that would be great!!

Homework will resume next week and will be a review of information from the year.  Only 6 more weeks 'till summer!!

Finally I saw this video on the Superintendent from Wylie ISD's Facebook page.  Quite and interesting take.

Head of The Navy SEALs Explains Why Making Your Bed Every Day Is the Most Important Life Lesson of All

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Going to Bat Against Bullying

Check out the contest the Prince Fielder and the Texas Rangers are putting on to deal with bullying.

Contest information

Friday, February 20, 2015

Black History Month projects

So many of the students worked so hard on these projects!! These are some of my favorites......


Newsletter: Week of February 23

Due to issue in our printer, homework will be sent home on Monday.